Special Exams
Special Exams at the Molecular, Genetic level, which are performed exclusively in the USA, in Certified research centers, mainly for the diagnosis of: toxic load burden, hormonal balance test, and cellular aging. The results, depending on the test, are completed within four to eight weeks.
Anti-Oxide Stress Test
Evaluates the balance between Oxidative stress and the body’s antioxidant ability as well as the extensive control of the body’s enzyme and non-enzyme antioxidant systems. This test can help identify underlying causes for many chronic diseases and clinical disorders in order to design appropriate personalized therapeutic interventions.
Biological Age – Telomeres
Telomeres are repeated sequences composing chromosome ends, the number of which is reduced with age within the body’s cells, having a proliferative potential. Similarly, telomerase is the enzyme responsible for telomeres’ length maintenance. Determining the length of telomeres and telomerase activity are important markers to determine the cells’ biological age.
Oxidized Proteins & Proteasome Quantity
During aging, increased amounts of “damaged proteins” are observed, oxidized proteins in particular. Similarly, the proteasome is the cell’s major proteolytic mechanism, and it becomes less active with aging, resulting in further accumulation of oxidized and other damaged proteins.
AGES (Advanced Glycosyliated end products)
When blood sugar levels are increased, even for some hours, glycosylation, a key mechanism in aging, is also increased. This process is an uncontrolled, non – enzymatic reaction between proteins and sugars, and it modifies significantly the proteins’ structure and function. In this process, a sugar molecule binds to a protein, resulting in the formation of a non-functional structure of glycosylated protein. Ultimately, these glycosylated proteins that are produced are called “advanced glycation end products” (AGEs).
Research during the past 20 years has shown that AGEs are involved in most age-related diseases, such as: Alzheimer’s disease, Cancer, Heart disease, Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Kidney disorders, Atherosclerosis, High blood pressure, Stroke, Visual impairment, Skin disorders.
Total Antitoxing Test
Molecular profile to check toxicosis due to heavy metals. It assesses 20 heavy metals and it reveals the magnitude of toxicity (lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, etc). It also assesses 15 trace elements.
Toxic effect Core Profile
Test of toxicosis from organic solvents.
Porphyrins profile
Quantification of porphyrins, which are the most specialized markers of heme disorders, and heavy metal exposure; it is used in children with anemia problems, autism and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Rhythm/Rhythm plus
It concerns premenopausal women, to assess hormones at certain times.
Menopause/Menopause plus
For postmenopausal women, to assess hormones through the identification of hormonal association over a time scale.