Metabolic test
Metabolic Tests examine Organic Chemical Compounds (acids) in urine, in order to assess four important aspects of metabolism: gastrointestinal function, cellular energy production, Neurologic status and balance between amino acids and organic acids (as influenced by various nutrients, vitamins and trace elements). The tests are performed exclusively in certified Laboratories in the European Union and USA.
Test results are completed within three to four weeks.
Τhey detect accurately the following:
- Cell deficiencies in enzymes, minerals, amino acids, vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids.
- The energy produced in the body. (Crebs Cycle).
- The functioning of the nervous system.
- The toxic load on our organism.
- Bowel condition (intestinal flora).
- Metabolism of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids).
- Concealed inflammation in the body.
- In hormone production shaft.
- Deficiencies in micronutrients.
- Cellular Balance.
Molecular Metabolic Profile
Measurement of organisms’ metabolic acids. It depicts visually all pathways connecting metabolites, it reveals gastrointestinal dysfunctions, vitamin insufficiencies, while it also tests neurotransmitters’ cycle and mitochondrial functioning.
It tests metabolic acids and metabolic pathways’ status. It assesses four factors related to oxidative stress. It assesses fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6, omega-7, omega-9 and saturated fat) involved in their metabolism. It assesses urine metabolites (their metabolic derivatives, metabolites, their elimination). It assesses heavy metals in blood.
Omega Plasma Testines
It assesses fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6, omega-7, omega-9 and saturated fat), as well as the enzymes involved in their metabolism.
Lactose Ιntolerance Βlood test
It assesses lactose tolerance
GastroIntestinal Mapping
Full gastrointestinal system assessment: Biochemical, Parasitological, mycological and Bacteriological.
Intestinal Permeability Test
It examines the functionality of the intestinal mucous membranes, and in particular the ability of two small molecules, Lactulose and Mannitol, to pass through the intestinal epithelium.