For the last 30 years, cardiovascular medical issues have been on the rise.
They represent the second leading cause of death in Western civilization.
When these occur, a vicious cycle of dealing with them begins. Medicines are given, “Special diets” are suggested, so as to exterminate the modern “witch”, which is called Cholesterol.
As if that were not enough, for the last ten years, official instructions suggest and have managed to limit the age at which some people should take these medications and this type of diet as a precaution.
At the same time, they are constantly lowering the acceptable levels of Cholesterol in the body. Always under the pretext of maintaining good health.
Millions of people change their way of life, whether or not they have heart problems.
Today there are voices consider this a delusion.
Cholesterol is a modern “witch”, who has been blamed and persecuted incessantly.
What is really happening?
We know, however, that Cholesterol taken from food is only 15%.
This molecule is mainly produced by the human body.
It is a sterol found everywhere in our body. 85% of it is produced by our own body.
It serves the natural mechanism of construction and repair and contributes to the physical ability of our body.
Cholesterol simply repairs damage to veins and arteries, keeping them functioning properly.
Cholesterol production is proportional to the damages that need to be repaired.
When the production of Cholesterol increases, it simply means that the Inflammations in our body have also increased. The more Inflammation, the more Cholesterol the Liver produces.
In addition, cholesterol creates a variety of hormones.
As the production of hormones decreases over time and enzymatic reactions decline, the liver is forced to produce higher amounts of cholesterol.
In fact, modern research shows that very low cholesterol levels lead to increased mortality.
A 2011 study by AIM – HIGH, from the National Institute of Health, found that high levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL), which are desirable for the general public, do not protect against heart disease.
It is easy to understand that Cholesterol is the building block that our body relies on to exist and not the “witch”.
Like the thread of Ariadne
But where is the end of the thread, in the tangle that causes more harm than good and how many “centuries” must it take to discover it?
And if Cholesterol is not the cause of all these problems, then what? …
Chronic Inflammation and the reduction of Hormone production by the human body.
The factors that affect the above are the culprits. The real witches. The causes of modern health problems that are constantly increasing.
Rising cholesterol levels are an indicator that something is wrong with our body.
And as long as we deviate from the normal, from what the human body was made of, from the intake of foods that have the right nutritional, qualitative and quantitative value, so the problems will grow.
As long as the environment we live in is altered and at the same time burdened, as we accumulate deficiency and Toxicity, Inflammations and premature Aging of our cells will worsen.
What can we do
We must understand that our health is not simply the absence of disease. It is the maintenance of our physical condition and the standards for which the human body was built.
If we want to deal medically with the modern scourge of Chronic, Metabolic and Autoimmune Diseases, we need to take care of maintaining the optimal condition of the organism.
Medicine uses knowledge and experience of hundreds of years, while at the same time incorporates the cutting edge Medical Technology in everyday Healthcare.
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Nutrition and premature cellular aging
Why should we avoid soft drinks?
6 + 1 Effective methods of avoiding sugar consumption
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