The association of nutrition with Chronic and Autoimmune diseases
It is widely known that nutrition plays a key role in our health, as it affects important molecular processes. The homeostasis of our body and the metabolic pathways depend directly on the intake and absorption of the food we consume. Adequate intake of all those valuable nutrients that help ensure biochemical balance is essential for our body.
Recently, the association of nutrition with the development and evolution of chronic and autoimmune diseases is becoming more and more the subject of discussion and field of research. Both Chronic and Autoimmune diseases are pathological conditions of the body in which our body deviates from its normal course, resulting in the manifestation of various problems and dysfunctions. Our cells function as the starting point for these pathological conditions.
The main reasons involved in the development of such diseases are related to the reduced production or deficiency of enzymes, hormones and other biochemical molecules. Such imbalances cause biochemical diversion in the mechanisms and function of our cells and nutrition plays an important role in the occurrence or not of these disorders and dysfunctions.
This claim can be adequately explained by the fact that the energy that our body needs in order to grow and ensure its survival, comes mostly from the quantity and quality of food. In combination with oxygen, water and adequate exposure to the sun, our body has the appropriate specifications to achieve the production of biochemical “fuels”.
However, systematization in order to accelerate production in the food industry has led to a decline in food quality, resulting in not fully meeting the needs of our body in nutrients. In addition, the consumption of foods rich in sugar and processed carbohydrates has been thought to be associated with the development of chronic inflammation, a condition that can lead to a complete deregulation of our immune system and trigger autoimmunity.
The formulation of a modern therapeutic approach
Nutrition plays a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of chronic and autoimmune diseases. By detecting the root cause (s) of the medical issue and developing a proper nutritional strategy it is possible to inhibit or even reverse the progression of the respective autoimmune or chronic disease.
A different approach of Medicine to chronic and autoimmune diseases seeks to detect the causes that lead to autoimmunity and then eliminate them. To achieve this, it relies on the mechanisms of nutrients and the investigation of how they operate at the cellular level as regulators of tissue and organ functions. A major part of this therapeutic approach is personalized nutrition.
Molecular Nutrition as an aid in the treatment of autoimmune and chronic diseases
Molecular Therapeutic Nutrition, which considers each organism to be unique, has emerged as an important part of the treatment protocols for the treatment of autoimmune and chronic diseases. In trying to understand this, it is enough to think the following. Two or more people may have the same disorder (e.g. hypothyroidism). Nevertheless, the mechanisms that caused this particular health problem may differ.
Therefore, the therapeutic nutrition suggests different foods for each person aimed at treating cellular deficiencies, which are the main causes for the development of autoimmune and chronic diseases. The goals of therapeutic nutrition, in essence, are to achieve cellular homeostasis, namely their proper biochemical balance, with the consequence of ensuring the optimal health of the patient.
In this context, therapeutic Molecular Nutrition is based on conducting Specialized tests of a complete Metabolic Profile, which investigate what does not function properly at a cellular and biochemical level in everyone’s body. Once the exact causes of metabolic disorders are found, then a nutritional treatment protocol is formulated.
In conclusion, the key to the success of therapeutic nutrition lies in the fact that each case is treated individually and based on the problem, a nutritional therapy program is proposed that is based on documented scientific criteria and it does not result from randomness and statistics.
By following a diet that aligns with the biology of the human body and includes anti-inflammatory foods, the progression of any autoimmune or chronic disease can be slowed down and stopped. Although there is no specific diet for the treatment of autoimmune and chronic diseases, there are nutrients that largely determine the function of the immune system and they inhibit autoimmunity.
The nutritional treatment protocols that are administered vary depending on the respective chronic or autoimmune disease from which the patient suffers and they are individualized based on a variety of factors. With these methods, the adequacy of the organism in nutrients and micronutrients is gradually restored, as a result of which the overall health of each patient is promoted. Therefore, the underlying autoimmune or chronic diseases are treated and patients see their quality of life being enhanced.
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