Longevity, especially today, is a given, with a life expectancy of 77.9 years for men and 83.3 years for women. But what is not given at all is “well-being”, namely the quality of life, which is related to our overall state of health and increased energy and wellness levels.

” Living well “, in essence, is synonymous with what we call “good health”. When someone hears this phrase, associatively refers only to the absence of a disease. However, it is a complex term, which is interpreted in various ways and covers various areas.

The definition of good health

According to the definition in the Statute of the World Health Organization (1946), health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and is not simply related to the absence of illness or disability. It is the factor that determines the physical, psychological or even the mental state of a living organism.

The term “good health” does not mean that we are not in pain or that we do not feel any discomfort. Good health means feeling good, full of energy, having a good mood, enjoying every moment of life, feeling mentally balanced, being socially accepted, having broad spiritual horizons and planning our future with confidence. These are all elements integrated into the definition of good health. Essentially, good health is not about prolonging life expectancy, but about leading a qualitative life.

The innate ability of living beings for self-healing and good health

All living beings are innately equipped to survive, as the process of self-healing is innate in the human body, just like the process of respiration, digestion, etc. After all, if man did not have the mechanisms of self-healing, he could not survive even into adolescence.

This innate ability of self-healing is evidenced by the fact that man has the property of homeostasis, a state in which the organism is able to maintain constant conditions of its internal environment (temperature, concentration of various components, etc.), despite any external changes.

Factors that disrupt our cell longevity and health

Therefore, poor health is not a normal condition. However, there are many factors that can affect our health and degrade our quality of life. Habits, lifestyle, processed food, poor psychology, harmful eating habits, the existence of a disease, hormonal imbalances, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and the toxic environment in which we live are some of the causes that can lead to the deterioration of our cells.

Our health, however, is really determined by our cells, the building blocks of our body. Good cell health means that all the important molecules that make up the cell, the proteins, the mitochondria and the DNA, are functioning properly and there is no damage. In case of damage, then the systems of our body begin to malfunction, resulting in the disruption of our health.

Poor psychological condition

Good health is inextricably linked to our psychology. The term “psychoneuroimmunology”, was introduced by Dr. Ader in 1975, to describe the process by which the mind acts on the body. Psychoneuroimmunology enters the realm of neurological pathways that connect the immune system and the brain. When there is a mismatch between the mind and the body, physical or mental illnesses occur, although from the beginning only psychosomatic symptoms manifest. Therefore, physical health and mental harmony are interrelated.

Lack of nutrients

Nowadays, due to the industrialization of food, not all of the nutrients that our cells need are provided, resulting in deficiencies, because the body is unable to produce the biochemical fuels required for its proper function. An inflammatory diet and consumption of processed carbohydrates can create chronic inflammation and contribute to the deregulation of our immune system.

According to Dr. Ames, when nutrients are not sufficient, they are shared by the body, with priority given to providing immediate vital functions, such as energy production, potentially to the detriment of functions that are necessary to maintain our health in the long run.

Accumulation of toxicity

In the adipose tissue of our cells, various toxic products accumulate (heavy metals, chemicals and medicines). These are substances that should not be found there and adversely affect the biochemistry of the body and subsequently our health.

The Modern Medical approach

Science is evolving rapidly. The clinical context that “looks deep” inside the cell and identifies any deficiency and accumulation of toxicity and supports those natural mechanisms of self-healing and self-regulation of good health of our body is the Modern Medical Reality.

Modern Medical Reality considers each person different and effectively handles issues related to metabolism, stress, diet, cholesterol, fat burning, tissue hydration, fungal infections, food intolerances or food addictions (sugar, etc.), hypoglycemia, micronutrient deficiencies and hormonal disorders.

Specialized tests at a molecular and genetic level allow us to detect the causes that biochemically alter cells. By performing analyzes at a cellular level, deviations or dysfunctions, the presence of toxins, free radicals and “silent inflammation” become visible and epigenetic factors are detected, which may interfere with the proper biochemistry of the human body and disrupt our health.

The complete medical histories of any individual inform us about his habits, his current state of health, as well as about how the external environment has affected the functions of his organism. Because, the parameters that hinder our quality of life come from the internal environment (pro-inflammatory agents, autoimmune diseases and tumors) but also from the external (diet, carcinogens, viruses and oxidants).

Personalized treatment protocols that help ensure good health

Based on the diagnostic findings, personalized protocols are developed, which aim to ensure good health and improve the quality of life, as they are based on the self-healing of the cells, through the strengthening of the body with all those micronutrients, in order to properly perform all its functions and to restore the hormonal balance of the organism.

Furthermore, weight control is achieved, sex life is rekindled, sleep and memory are improved, stress is reduced, the heart is shielded and the health of the bones and the immune system is strengthened.

These types of treatments are based on the real needs of the body and are formulated, after the guidance of specialists. The course of individuals’ health is regularly monitored and treatments are configured based on the set of symptoms and other biochemical indicators. Thus, the treatment time is optimized and the best possible results are achieved.

Ensuring good health as a privilege of everyone

Man is a special creature, who does not only have self-healing mechanisms, but through the highest commodity of intelligence with which he has been endowed, he can realize what he needs to do in order to ensure his health. By adopting a healthy lifestyle (proper diet, physical and mental exercise, good psychology, smoking cessation) and biological and cellular care in terms of hormones and nutrient deficiencies health is promoted.

Thus, it is possible to improve the daily life of people and each of us individually to experience life as we wish. After all, the health of our body is the basic core on which mental, psychological health, but also social health depend.




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