Most people, especially women, take great care of the hydration of their skin in order to look young and radiate beauty. Natural oils, cosmetics and creams exist in great variety and promise to keep the skin hydrated. There is a factor, however, that is of the greatest importance and most of the time escapes our attention.

The health of our body and our beauty are ensured by the proper function of our cells. This is achieved through hydration, which contributes to the proper regulation of all the functions of our body and consequently ensures our health and well-being. But how can the cell be hydrated? The answer lies in consuming sufficient amounts of good quality water.


The importance of water in cellular homeostasis

Water is extremely valuable, as it ensures the survival of our body, along with nutrients, such as vitamins that are transported to our cells through the blood. Even blood has water as its main ingredient. Almost 80% of our body is made up of water. It is no coincidence that man can live without food for a long time, while in cases of water shortage he has the ability to survive only for a few days.

The factors that make water so essential to our survival are related to its physicochemical properties, as it is characterized by the ability to provide and transport all the valuable elements that ensure our lives.


Benefits of water in our body

Water embodies many different roles. First, it functions as a solvent through which the breakdown of many important substances is achieved. This is because the chemicals that are found inside the cells dissolve in water with great ease. In this way, the transfer of specific elements to different parts of the body is facilitated and consequently the chemical reactions within the cell are carried out.

Water also plays a major role in activating various vital metabolic processes. Larger molecules, such as proteins, are synthesized with the help of water, with the aim of creating building materials and / or storing biofuels so as to meet the needs of our body. Correspondingly, through the contribution of water, these larger molecules are broken down into smaller ones, such as amino acids, which are used as raw material for energy production.

Furthermore, as it is well known, water is excreted through urine and feces. In this way, components harmful to our body are removed and the proper and orderly biochemical function of the cells is ensured.

In short, water is the most important nutrient. It contributes significantly to the processes of digestion and absorption of various valuable micronutrients. Thanks to water, in fact, our body temperature is maintained, our joints are lubricated, our skin remains firm and radiant and the shielding of our tissues and organs is achieved.


The consequences of insufficient hydration on our skin and on our body

Our skin could be resembled to a flower that withers when we do not water it properly. However, the skin is not just the largest organ of our body. It is a mirror of our health. Any disorder observed in our body is reflected in our skin. Water is vital for the health of our skin and its lack leads to various types of skin problems.

When the skin is sufficiently hydrated, the tissues of the body are moisturized and the elasticity, firmness and color of the skin are maintained.

On the contrary, insufficient hydration makes our skin look dull, tired and aged, regardless of our age. This is because reduced water reserves are associated with accelerated aging. Dehydration conditions favor water loss at a tissue level, with consequences that are associated with aging. Furthermore, the dehydration of the body leads to the increase of the levels of toxins in our body, resulting in a possible manifestation of a variety of health problems.


What we need to do to hydrate our cells

As mentioned above, valuable nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins, as well as oxygen are transported to our cells when our body is adequately hydrated. On the other hand, insufficient water levels result in the accumulation of toxins in our body, factors that can gradually lead to the manifestation of various chronic diseases. Therefore, it is understood that the “key” for an elastic skin and a healthy body is in the hydration of our cells.

We can achieve this by consuming plenty of water, even when we do not feel thirsty. Also, fruits and vegetables provide sufficient amounts of fluids, as they have a 90% water content. In fact, it is recommended to avoid alcohol and smoking, because they lead both our skin and our body in general to dehydration.


Cellular Hydration and Modern Medical Approach

The need to supply our body with all the valuable micronutrients to ensure the health of our cells, tissues and organs is considered imperative.

Specialized diagnostic tests exist, which can identify deficiencies that the cell presents in valuable nutrients. Based on the diagnostic findings, the appropriate Medical Therapeutic protocols can be formulated. The treatment is based on the administration of a “Unique blend”. It is a mixture of micronutrients, which is given to each patient individually, in order for the body to regain the appropriate valuable nutrients.

Every cell in the human body needs increased water reserves. Good hydration is vital for health and wellness, as it promotes the most important functions of our body, such as regulating blood pressure, digesting and absorbing food, eliminating toxins, maintaining body temperature and skin elasticity.



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